This is how you can record sound on a smartphone from XLR.

If you record sound for videos and want a solution that will allow you to record sound from a quality microphone with an XLR connection and you don’t want to carry a dedicated professional recording device with you or just want a backup device in case something happens to your recorder – the IK Multimedia company has an interesting solution that has recently received very positive reviews online.

The variety of recording options today is very wide – whether microphones that connect directly to the camera, dedicated recording devices, or high-quality microphones designed to work with cellular devices. When it comes to microphones with XLR connections, the range of options for connecting to cellular devices is more limited, so the iRig Pre HD presents a rather interesting opportunity. The device was initially developed mainly for musicians (see official video below) but this device also has uses, it turns out, for those who record videos, interviews, etc.

iRig Pre HD


So what makes the iRig Pre HD interesting – firstly, if you own an iPhone, it can connect directly to the device via a Lightning cable (there is also an option to connect via micro USB to specific Android devices – see details in this review). Beyond that, the device has a connection to a headphone cable including the possibility of direct monitoring and especially very low self-noise (at least according to Curtis Judd’s test – see the video below). The device is powered by a pair of AA batteries that provide 48V phantom power.

Explanation of the product


Perhaps one of the main advantages of this tiny adapter is its price! You can purchase the iRig Pre HD for only $259 on the 10dB music market.

Official video of the iRig Pre HD

Curtis Judd reviews the iRig Pre HD